Instagram’s Threads: A Ghost of Twitter Revived or a Step Backward?

Ilham Akhsanu Ridlo
3 min readJul 7, 2023


It seems as though we’re caught in a vortex in the ever-competitive landscape of social media. Instagram’s recent launch of Threads — a feature bearing an uncanny resemblance to the old Twitter — is a testament to the cyclical nature of social media evolution. Is Threads a fresh start or just another layer added to the echoing voices in the digital sphere?

Twitter has had a unique journey since its inception in 2006. The platform’s distinguishing feature of sharing bite-sized, text-based updates carved its niche amidst a sea of other social platforms. However, when Elon Musk, the maverick billionaire, took the reins of Twitter and initiated sweeping changes, users began their exodus in search of an alternative.

Enter Instagram’s Threads. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta (formerly known as Facebook), astutely seized this opportunity, designing Threads as an homage to Twitter. With this new feature, users can now import their Instagram profiles and networks, sharing text updates just as they did on Twitter. Not surprisingly, the launch saw an outpouring of activity, an indication of the familiar user engagement and routines.

Yet, the excitement surrounding Threads does raise questions. With it, we find ourselves teetering on the brink of a digital déjà vu. Some experts argue that the heyday of social media is behind us, and the landscape is now monopolized by a handful of tech giants, driving attention, money, and influence their way. So, where does Threads fit in this scheme? Who is its intended audience?

Initial novelty aside, Threads is essentially a clone of Twitter. The excitement will likely simmer down, and users will be left facing the same challenges inherent to Twitter and other platforms. Trolls, spam, ads, and contentious political discourse are almost inevitable. These recurring issues may soon replace the thrill of gaining new followers and establishing fresh communication norms.

This observation reflects a peculiar cognitive dissonance that characterizes the early life of any new social media platform. The anticipation of a fresh start is exciting but may also veil the limitations of the platform. Are we chasing the thrill of the new, only to be disappointed by the reality of the old?

In essence, Threads is Twitter reborn. The initial enthusiasm might dwindle, leaving users wrestling with the same old challenges. And if history has taught us anything, it’s that the cycle of social media platforms is one of constant reincarnation. Old concepts are reborn under new guises, with each new platform seemingly destined to repeat the patterns of its predecessors.

ThreadsApp’s Gamble: An Exploration of Challenges and Strategies

With time, the face of social media has undeniably changed, and at the heart of this transformation lies platforms like ThreadsApp. However, the transition of users from one platform to another isn’t random — a myriad of factors influences it.

Content creators and influencers, for instance, wield significant influence. They are the drivers of a platform’s popularity. Even a platform with top-tier features might falter without the active participation of content creators and influencers.

Business algorithms are another key player. They dictate what a user sees on their feed, consequently affecting user engagement. Coupled with this is the platform’s moderation model, which can influence users’ sense of control and content freedom.

However, while these factors are crucial, privacy and data security issues cannot be overlooked. These considerations have led to restrictions on ThreadsApp in the European Union, whereas users in Indonesia appear more accepting of new apps despite these concerns.

While ThreadsApp presents potential as a scholarly communication medium, it isn’t exempt from challenges. It faces the same trials that have beleaguered Instagram and other platforms. There’s also skepticism about how far ThreadsApp can sustain a healthy and supportive environment, given the overarching control of algorithms.

Several factors, such as algorithm control, influencer participation, and moderation model will inevitably influence the adoption and future usage of ThreadsApp. However, only time will tell the true trajectory of this platform.

It is paramount for users to weigh these factors when choosing their preferred social media platform. Understanding these dynamics not only benefits the users but is also critical for developers and regulators, thus shaping the future of the social media landscape.



Ilham Akhsanu Ridlo

Science Watchdog. Research on Communicating Science: A Collaboration Between Scientists and Journalists Covering the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia.